Since 1968, our partnership with the legal community has produced outstanding lawyers who make a real difference in the profession. And it’s a partnership that’s mutually beneficial: Co-op placements allow our bright, focused and mature students to find their passion and hone their legal skills. Employers benefit from a year-round applicant pool of motivated and capable student lawyers, providing cost-effective legal assistance and a unique opportunity to diversify recruitment efforts.
We are now enlisting our more than 1,500 co-op employers — including lawyers in every field of practice and members of the bench at every level — to be more directly involved in training our student lawyers — through targeted programs, seminars and web-based resources that will help them develop as teachers and mentors.
And our faculty are working directly with employers to identify key learning goals that will prepare students for legal practice. This strong connection between employers and faculty will take the School of Law’s experiential education focus to a new level of integrated, active learning. The insights we gain from this systematic outreach will further strengthen the partnership between theory and practice at the heart of a Northeastern law education.
To find out more about offering a co-op, please fill out our employer application and we’ll contact you soon.